Wednesday, July 21, 2010

BenQ compete in competing against China


With 1996, the predecessor of BenQ chase the deer - BenQ global application software development center in Suzhou, BenQ chase the deer has gone through 13 years. Group of the Information Management Group became the BenQ compete in the team, all of its products are in the BenQ piece of global management experience over 25 years the group "experimental field" in the birth.

BenQ is now competing against the total of 600 well-known success of customers, including chain retailers, high technology, financial services, telecommunications services, transportation, manufacturing, fast moving consumer goods, the Government state-owned enterprises, hotel services, including multi-media entertainment industries providing solutions. Has more than 400 software engineers and consultants have become East BenQ compete in the largest software provider. BenQ today chase the deer, just as its English name "Guru [1]", as with the international experience and native intelligence is becoming a master of the IT industry and management experts.

In the past ten years, BenQ compete in the core areas of focus to develop products and successfully in many areas has become a market leading brand; in 2009, BenQ chase the deer have been established in accordance with the strategic plan, completed the product strong integration and services, at the same time to address the financial crisis offers a variety of software operating modes, including the traditional licensing model (Licensing), Leasing (Leasing), the online use (Subscribe On Line).

3 +1 5C through service strategy, BenQ compete in the three major product lines - collaborative knowledge portal (Cooperation), Human Capital Management (Human Capital), supply chain management (Supply Chain), plus a service line - IT Services (Caring), for a continuing partnership with clients (Continuous Partnership).

Heavy upgrading

Through the enterprise applications market in-depth research and forward-thinking, BenQ competing against the established management software market continues to cultivate and accelerate the full-service IT partner to the business transformation of the pace. It is based on a new mission, BenQ compete in product innovation and further strengthen the R & D in 2009, released eHR, greenOffice main products such as next-generation version.

eHR build high team

In 2009, BenQ compete in the new version launched eHR - eHR4 .0. Guru eHR4.0 the improvements embodied in the six areas:

? A new Gsouce platform;

? Increasing globalization in the product configuration platform, the first in the three areas of HR to achieve centralized management;

? For transaction management in the calculation engine done a lot to improve, continue to ensure that BenQ compete in the efficiency of the industry's leading system;

? By BenQ has accumulated 12 years of FlowER, first in China to realize the full business process-driven HR;

? Increased the level for the group control function modules such as budget management, to achieve the budget before and the whole process of intelligent tracking, pioneering model of human capital strategy models;

? Upgraded to compete in unified collaborative knowledge portal, to realize compete in all product lines and seamless integration of third-party software.

BenQ has accumulated experience in all phases of information management through the modernization of the means constantly precipitation, continuously updated, forming a unique oriental charm with Chinese characteristics and management system, and by 4.0, BenQ compete in the first step of globalization The first step to promote the HR software as a strategic partner companies, the establishment of large group companies to measure the efficiency of human capital management and strategic management.

greenOffice achievement Intelligent Organization

鏄庡熀閫愰箍浠?999骞村氨寮?鑷村姏浜庡崗鍚岃蒋浠剁殑寮?彂锛屽巻缁?骞寸殑鍐呴儴淇偧锛?004骞存寮忚繘鍏ヤ簡鍗忓悓绠$悊杞欢甯傚満銆傚叾鐞嗗康浠庢渶鍒濈殑鐭ヨ瘑绠$悊閫愭笎鍒板崗鍚岀煡璇嗙鐞嗗苟鏈?粓鎴愪负鍗忓悓鐭ヨ瘑闂ㄦ埛銆傗?green鈥濅唬琛ㄨ妭鑳界幆淇濓紝瀵撴剰閫氳繃杞欢缁欎紒涓氬甫鍘讳环鍊肩殑鍚屾椂鑳藉甫鍘讳竴浠借矗浠绘劅涓庝娇鍛芥劅銆傛柊鐗堢殑greenOffice涓嶄粎鑳借淇℃伅鍦ㄧ粍缁囦腑蹇?浼犻?锛岃繕灏嗘洿澶氬叧娉ㄥ浣曡缁勭粐鍏呮弧娲诲姏鍜屾垬鏂楀姏锛屼繚鎸佸憳宸ヨ嚜鎴戝涔犲拰鍒涙柊鐨勬縺鎯咃紝鎴愬氨涓?釜鏅烘収鍨嬬殑缁勭粐銆?br />
涓烘锛実reenOffice 鎻愪緵浜嗗叚澶у簲鐢ㄢ?鈥?蹇?鍚堬紝鍗?澶у姛鑳芥ā鍧楋細淇℃伅闂ㄦ埛銆佹祦绋嬬鐞嗐?鍗忓悓鍔炲叕銆佽祫婧愮鐞嗐?鐭ヨ瘑绠$悊锛屽叏閮ㄩ儴缃插湪1涓叏涓氬姟鏁村悎鐨勫钩鍙颁笂銆傗?鏁村悎鈥濇槸greenOffice鐨勬渶澶х壒鐐癸紝瀹冧笉浠呰兘澶熷疄鐜版暟鎹眰闈㈢殑鏃犵紳闆嗘垚锛岃繕鑳藉疄鐜板簲鐢ㄥ眰闈㈢殑鏁村悎锛屽府鍔╀紒涓氭惌寤鸿法骞冲彴銆佽法搴旂敤銆佽法鍦板煙鐨勫叏涓氬姟鏁村悎鐨勯棬鎴枫?


鏄庡熀閫愰箍鍦ㄦ彁渚涘簲鐢ㄨ蒋浠剁殑鍩虹涓婏紝杩樻彁渚涗簡gSource骞冲彴銆俫Source涓嶄粎鑳藉皢eHR銆両TS銆丼CM銆佸拰greenOffice鏈夋満铻嶄负涓?綋锛岃繕涓哄叾浠栧巶鍟嗙殑搴旂敤绯荤粺鎻愪緵浜嗘帴鍙c?鍥犳锛屾惌寤哄湪浠Source骞冲彴涓哄熀纭?殑淇℃伅绯荤粺锛屽彲浠ラ伩鍏岻T閲嶅寤鸿鍜屼俊鎭宀涚殑浜х敓銆?br />


鏄庡熀閫愰箍钁d簨闀胯档绱犲琛ㄧず锛氣?杩囧幓锛屽ぇ鑰呮亽澶ф槸涓嶅彉鐨勫畾寰嬶紱濡備粖锛屽嵈鏄?鏈??瑙勬ā鈥欑殑鍏徃鎵嶈兘鐏垫椿鍙嶅簲鍙婅皟鏁村簲浠樻櫙姘旂殑鎬ラ?琛伴?锛涚粍缁囨剤鏄簿瀹烇紝鎰堣兘鍦ㄤ弗閰风殑鐜涓瓨娲讳笅鏉ワ紝鑰屾満浼氾紝鎬绘槸鐣欑粰鍑嗗濂界殑浜恒?鎵?互鍦ㄧ幇鍦ㄨ繖绉嶆湁鍗辨満瀛樺湪鐨勫ぇ鐜涓嬶紝閫愰箍浜烘洿鏄噦寰楁姄浣忓鏈猴紝鎶曡韩鍒版湇鍔°?鍒涙柊鐨勮鍒楋紝浠ヤ娇鍛芥劅鎿庡姩淇℃伅鍖栫殑鏈潵銆傛湭鏉ョ殑閫愰箍涓嶆槸涓?釜鍗曠函鐨勮蒋浠跺叕鍙革紝涔熶笉鏄崟绾殑IT 鍏徃锛岃?鏄鍋氳嚧鍔涗簬鎴愪负浼佷笟淇℃伅鏈嶅姟鐨勪笓瀹剁殑涓?鏈嶅姟鍨嬪叕鍙搞?鈥?br />


[1] Guru锛屽湪鍗板害璇腑鎰忎负鈥滃畻甯堬紝澶у笀鈥濄?


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